Embryo donation in Mumbai / Embryo adoption in Mumbai

Embryo Donation/Embryo Adopt

Embryo donation/Embryo Adopt is indicated for those couples whose egg reserve is diminished. Patients with low AMH, premature ovarian failure, or with failed two or three attempts of self-cycle will be advised about this option.

Egg donors are young women who are married and have at least one child of their own. Their age is between 23 to 30 years. Donors are recruited through donor agencies. They are scanned to confirm that they have good egg reserve. A thorough background check along with detailed clinical history as well as family history evaluation is done before recruiting any donor. The egg donor then undergoes a battery of investigations(blood tests) to make sure she is fit and healthy. She also undergoes thalassemia screening to rule out thal trait. This ensures she will not pass on thalassemia(a genetic disorder) to the child. She also undergoes tests like karyotype in selected cases.

Once all the reports are normal hormonal injections are given to the egg donor from D2 of her menstrual cycle. Simultaneously endometrial preparation is done for the recipient with the help of estrogen tablets. The egg donor undergoes ovum pick up under anesthesia when her follicles get ready. The eggs retrieved are fused with the sperm of the patient’s husband using the technique of ICSI. The resultant embryos are cultured in the IVF lab. One or two best embryos are selected and transferred inside the womb of the patient. The remaining surplus embryos are frozen for future use.
Beta HCG check after 15 days will tell if the embryos have been implanted. The chances of success in such treatment are fairly well.

Who requires egg donation?

  • Women with low ovarian reserve (because of elevated FSH levels or a low antral count) are more common in older women.
  • IVF therapy was canceled owing to a poor ovarian response or reserve.
  • Repeated failures of IVF.
  • Ovarian failure at a young age.
  • In post-cancer patients whose ovaries have been affected as a result of ovarian surgery or radiation.
  • Women born without ovaries as a result of a congenital defect.
  • Women suffering from an autosomal recessive disorder.

What is egg donation and the IVF process?

Before engaging in IVF procedures, egg donors are identified and checked for different disorders, and their written agreement is obtained.

Once the donor has been recruited, she will go through a stimulation phase in which she will get multiple injections and, once her eggs have developed, an egg retrieval surgery will be performed. Following the collection of the ovum, the eggs are fertilized in a laboratory with the sperm of the recipient’s male partner.

Once the embryo has reached the blastocyst stage, the best embryos are transferred to the recipient’s uterus, which has been pre-prepared for embryo transfer.